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Hardwood Backgammon captures the classic fun of this historic board game also known as Tavla. Play against your computer or online with players from around the world. Hardwood Backgammon is also available on mobile and TV devices, so you can play anywhere!


Neuigkeiten in dieser Version

• Updated to use the Godot 4 Game Engine • Be sure to let us know if you run into any issues! Thank you for playing Hardwood Backgammon! We hope you enjoy these new updates.


  • Advanced Artificial intelligence for challenging single player games
  • Play Online
  • Cross platform, play with people on phones or tablets
  • Change the look and feel with different boards, checkers and backgrounds.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Veröffentlicht von

Silver Creek Entertainment


Silver Creek Entertainment

Entwickelt von

Silver Creek Entertainment

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Ungefähre Größe

81,83 MB


USK ab 0 Jahren

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Holen Sie sich diese App, während Sie bei Ihrem Microsoft-Konto angemeldet sind, und installieren Sie sie auf bis zu zehn Windows 10-Geräten.

Unterstützte Sprache

English (United States)

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