

Kill before you killed Snipe your Sniper and take a perfect shot and prove yourself a best contract killer of the Assassin world. As a sniper, the maximum essential issue is to loosen up, open the 8 instances scope, purpose and pull the trigger. One shot one kill. Find the exceptional region, in a hidden location, open fireplace when the enemy isn't always paying interest, then shoot. Leave quietly, that is the mission of a sniper. Pay attention to shielding your self, the evil forces have additionally hired a set of snipers. They are hiding in the dark and ambushing you - the patron saint of the town. Be prepared to combat with them and continue to exist to preserve justice and equity.


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Anderen gefällt auch


  • Ultra realistic 3D graphics and cool animations- Addicting FPS gameplay- Easy and intuitive controls- real shooting and sniper effects- Breathtaking 3D graphics and intuitive easy controls

Zusätzliche Informationen

Veröffentlicht von

Jaingo Games

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Ungefähre Größe

149,35 MB


USK ab 18 Jahren


Action & adventure

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Holen Sie sich diese App, während Sie bei Ihrem Microsoft-Konto angemeldet sind, und installieren Sie sie auf bis zu zehn Windows 10-Geräten.

Unterstützte Sprache

English (United States)

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