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One of most horror game on window phone store. Professor Rumiat a well named scholar in field of Research is in his experimental lab examining a blood sample with his 10 lab assistants. The laboratory is located in California City. The sample of blood is very dangerous for human being and if it enters the human body then it will convert into Peril Creatures that result in obliteration of the human world. In the meantime, the test tube of the blood sample throws from one of the lab assistant, he get hurt with the glass and the virus enters the assistant body, he turns into zombie. He bites one of the other assistant and who turns into a zombie too.


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Anderen gefällt auch


  • SHOOT ZOMBIES AND STOP THE END OF THE WORLD. STUNNING 3D GRAPHICS. Different environment and locations - Multiple zombie waves - Smooth and easy controls

Zusätzliche Informationen

Veröffentlicht von

Mind Arts Games

Entwickelt von


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Ungefähre Größe

365,99 MB


USK ab 18 Jahren


Action & adventure

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Holen Sie sich diese App, während Sie bei Ihrem Microsoft-Konto angemeldet sind, und installieren Sie sie auf bis zu zehn Windows 10-Geräten.

Unterstützte Sprache

English (United States)

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