2,99 €
2,99 €


SUPERB CHESS BOARD (Chess PGN Viewer & Maker) is a window application which allows you to view and create PGN format chess games and visualizes moves from its notation. It has training mode. You can play on the board, create and save your own chess PGN files with PGN Maker. App can Show comments if the PGN file including comments. Recommended display resolution: 1920x1080 Features 1) Multiple games per PGN file. 2) Displaying PGN Game Contents. 3) Visualizing Chess Moves From Notation. 4) Training Mode. 5) Flip board and change chess board color. 6) Paste Move History string into the textview, then visualizes moves, and save the string. 7) Create and save your own chess PGN files. 8) Support edit chess position for middle or ending game when you play on the board. 9) Show comments if the PGN file including comments. 10) App includes thousands of game collection.


Neuigkeiten in dieser Version

Some improves for app local language.

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Ungefähre Größe

37,61 MB


USK ab 0 Jahren

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Holen Sie sich diese App, während Sie bei Ihrem Microsoft-Konto angemeldet sind, und installieren Sie sie auf bis zu zehn Windows 10-Geräten.

Unterstützte Sprache

English (United States)

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