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Requires a Windows Mixed Reality Ultra PC. Take the first, small step into a virtual Halo world with Halo Recruit. This free training experience will introduce you to the characters, weapons, and universe of Halo through the power of Windows Mixed Reality. As a freshly minted UNSC recruit, you will learn to identify and fight terrifying alien combatants in this compelling exploration of what Halo’s virtual future might hold.
![Windows Mixed Reality HoloLens Windows Mixed Reality HoloLens right image](http://www.microsoft.com/onerfstatics/sfweusprod/_h/9be151e5/coreui.statics/images/1x1clear.gif)
This thrilling content is on Windows Mixed Reality.
Additional information
Published by
Microsoft StudiosCopyright
343 IndustriesDeveloped by
343 Industries / Endeavor OneRelease date
2017-10-17Approximate size
2.51 GBAge rating
For ages 10 and upCategory
Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.Accessibility
The product developer believes that this product meets accessibility requirements, making it easier for everyone to use.Language supported
English (United States)Publisher Info
Halo Recruit websiteHalo Recruit support
Additional terms
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