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Various complexity levels, based on algorithms of Preferans guru Dmitriy Lesnoy and other Marriage for Windows authors, provide fascinating game for amateurs and professional players. Preferans is the most popular Eastern European card game, where winning depends more on player’s acquirements than on his luck. The game contains: - Six complexity levels. None of them (except Cheater) cheats: good gameplay is achieved only by thorough calculations; - Three most popular conventions (Leningrad, Sochi, Rostov) with ability to customize other Preferans conventions; - Journey with popular characters; - Tweaking UI (timeouts, animations, suit and card orders) and gameplay, in-app language selection; - User offers, discard returning, deal customization. Join us in Facebook !


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Just released on UWP


  • Various complexity levels, based on algorithms of Preferans guru Dmitriy Lesnoy and other Marriage for Windows authors, provide fascinating game for amateurs and professional players.

Additional information

Published by

Volodymyr Nedashkivskyi

Release date


Approximate size

155.07 MB

Age rating

For ages 3 and over


Card & board


Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.

Language supported

English (United States)

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