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Bingo MB is an app that is used to generate numbers between one and seventy five. Any player can be the "caller" using the Bingo MB app. As the numbers are selected by Bingo MB, players mark off that number on their scorecards. As each number is selected by Bingo MB, it is also displayed on the master board for verification purposes or to confirm an actual winner when Bingo is called by a player. Bingo MB is a fun game to play with friends and family. Good luck and enjoy.
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Published by
Copyright © 2015, essbeeDeveloped by
essbeeRelease date
30/01/2015Approximate size
233.32 KBAge rating
For ages 3 and overCategory
Family & kidsThis app can
Microsoft.storeFilter.core.notSupported_8wekyb3d8bbweAccess your Internet connection
Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.Language supported
English (United States)Publisher Info
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