Fortnite - Guardians of the Galaxy Pack
Fortnite - Guardians of the Galaxy Pack
Fortnite - Guardians of the Galaxy Pack is currently not available.

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Do something good? Something bad? Maybe a bit of both. They're the Guardians of the Galaxy Pack. Includes: - Drax Outfit - Drax's Blades Back Bling - Drax's Blades Pickaxe - Young Adult Groot Outfit - Groot's Gamepad Back Bling - Flora Colossus Fist Pickaxe - Mantis Outfit - Lil Abilisk Back Bling - Insectoid Claws Pickaxe - Zargnut Invisibiligy Emote - Potted Groot Dance Emote Outfits include LEGO® Styles.

Additional information

Published by

Epic Games Inc.

Developed by

Epic Games Inc.

Release date


Age rating

Parental Guidance Recommended


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