Fortnite - Skull Squad Pack
Fortnite - Skull Squad Pack
Fortnite - Skull Squad Pack is currently not available.

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Rise from the crypt and creep on the unsuspecting with this bone chilling Skeleteam! Rattle your bones with the Skull Squad pack! Includes: - Fishskull Outfit (with LEGO® Style) - Bait Bones Pickaxe - Skull Squad Leader Outfit (with LEGO® Style) - Cuddly Bones Back Bling - Bone Boss Outfit (with LEGO® Style) - Creep Fried Back Bling - Beef Bone Pickaxe - Bone Ravage Outfit (with LEGO® Style) - Bone Wings Back Bling - Skelly Sailer Glider - Bony Wrap

Additional information

Published by

Epic Games Inc.

Developed by

Epic Games Inc.

Release date


Age rating

Parental Guidance Recommended


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