

Two players take turns placing their color, red or blue, on empty cells aiming to connect opposite sides of the board. Since the first player has a distinct advantage, the second can choose to switch positions after the first move (pie rule). A draw is impossible in this fast moving game of pure strategy invented by the Nobel prize winners John Nash and Piet Hein. Can you find the best strategy to beat your opponent? Play locally or online


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What's new in this version

v. Added Multiplayer Online (beta), require Google account for login v. Added tutorial, settings, one player and two player game mode


  • hex
  • board game

Additional information

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Release date


Approximate size

19.45 MB

Age rating

For ages 3 and over


Card & board

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Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.


The product developer believes this product meets accessibility requirements, making it easier for everyone to use.

Language supported

English (United States)

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