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Introduce your child to the wonderful world of puzzles! The game contains puzzles that will develop your child’s focus. The joyful music creates an immersive experience that will keep your child engaged. The game includes many puzzles: • Free puzzles: The Starter puzzle pack contains 60 free puzzles that can be played in any difficulty mode, as many times as you want. • Puzzle of the Day: Every day we offer a unique puzzle for free. Remember to finish the game before the end of the day, as Puzzle of the Day changes at midnight. • Paid puzzle packs: We offer over several paid puzzle packs. The typical puzzle pack contains 25 puzzles. Once you purchase a puzzle pack you can customize the puzzles and you can play them anytime you want. • Premium subscription: For dedicated players we offer premium subscriptions. Players with an active subscription can play any puzzle in our library. We offer two types of subscriptions: a monthly subscription and a yearly subscription. • Purchase Rules: Keep your puzzles safe and sound. You can play all the puzzles you paid for on any device, as long as you login with the same Microsoft Account. Thank you for playing our game. We hope you will have a great time solving the puzzles!
Additional information
Published by
Frenzy GamesCopyright
Copyright © Frenzy GamesDeveloped by
Frenzy GamesRelease date
14/03/2013Approximate size
46.09 MBAge rating
For ages 3 and overCategory
Card & boardThis app can
Access your Internet connectionInstallation
Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.This product needs to be installed on your internal hard drive.
Language supported
English (United States)Publisher Info
Jigsaw Puzzle Kids websiteJigsaw Puzzle Kids support
Additional terms
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