

EDUCATIONAL! Are you looking for a fun and interactive kids game that helps improve your child's time recognition while they play? TIME MODE! Mr Wolf will help improve your child's time recognition skills using two fun game modes. Let them choose to race against the clock as they try to earn as much score possible. VOCAL LEARNING! Mr Wolf's child friendly game modes are designed to help your child's ability to recognize the time on a clock face along side it's digital format. Time within the game is vocalized by the characters to help the child improve using Vocal Learning while they playing. Mr Wolf will tell your child the correct answers when they are wrong. What time is it Mr Wolf?... DINNER TIME!


What's new in this version

- Improved Graphics - Improved Gameplay


  • ➕ Vocalised Time for Verbal Learning
  • ➕ 2 Game Modes, Timed and Survival
  • ➕ Fun Educational Gameplay

Additional information

Published by


Developed by

Shellshock Studios

Release date


Approximate size

47.59 MB

Age rating

For ages 3 and over




Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.


The product developer believes this product meets accessibility requirements, making it easier for everyone to use.

Language supported

English (United States)

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