

ProblemScape takes you to the strange city of Arithma in search of your lost sibling. You need help finding them, but who can help you? The inhabitants of Arithma, the Arithmen, are by nature helpful (that is, when they're not playing paintball). The mayor of Arithma can help too, but you have to find him first, which is not always easy - he goes into hiding at the first sign of trouble! It turns out the Arithmen need your help too. The only ones in Arithma who can do math, the Xperts, have all vanished! Could this be connected to the disappearance of your sibling? And how can a city function without anyone knowing math?


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What's new in this version

Eight chapters to complete the first adventure and covering an entire introductory algebra curriculum! Can you help the healer's assistant mix medicine and revive the shopkeeper? Can you bring down the bridges to cross the canyon? Can you figure out how many opals you can mine in the Opal swamp, or more importantly, how many opals you can carry across the swamp bridges without breaking them? These are just some of the problems you'll be encountering in your quest to rescue the Xperts in the game!


  • A problem-based learning environment that uses the narrative of an adventure game to highlight applications of algebra.

Additional information

Published by

RoundEd Learning Inc.


RoundEd Learning Inc.

Developed by

RoundEd Learning Inc.

Release date


Approximate size

1.75 GB

Age rating

For all ages

This app can

Access your Internet connection
Access your Internet connection and act as a server.
Access your home or work networks
Access to your Account’s username and picture


Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.

Language supported

English (United States)

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