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'Bee' the bee! Fly between beautiful locations unscrambling words! As you figure out words you get points that will unlock rewards! Each level has a random theme that will help you figure out the mixed up word. If you can't guess the word, you can spell any shorter word and still get points!
What's new in this version
Update .5 Smoother animations, and more of them! Minor bug fix, reported by Mr. Sloan Update .4 By request: music and sound can be turned off. Also updated some of the words. Enjoy! Update .3 Animation fixes and updates to the dragging of letters & word added in the .2 release to make things feel smoother. Enjoy! Update .2 This update adds dragging and flicking of the letters and words: flick letters up to spell, drag the word down to reset the letters, and drag the word up to submit. You can still tap/click on letters and words or use the keyboard as well! Update .1 Some minor fixes.
Additional information
Published by
Samuel RadakovitzDeveloped by
samradRelease date
11/14/2012Approximate size
21.1 MBAge rating
For all agesCategory
Puzzle & triviaThis app can
Access your Internet connectionInstallation
Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.Language supported
English (United States)Publisher Info
The Spelling Bee websiteThe Spelling Bee support
Additional terms
The Spelling Bee privacy policyTerms of transaction
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